What would it be like to completely step out of your limitations, beliefs, habitual patterns of thinking, and being? This freedom is what the Eden Template offers, through a direct connection to Source, the Creator. It is literally Freedom from the Known, everything that binds you and holds you in limitation, and only because you continue to allow it. Soon I will again be in Kenya, and I will again celebrate my birthday on African soil. In some cultures, when it is your birthday, instead of being celebrated, the person whose birthday it is does a Giveaway to everyone else, and I have always loved this tradition. So, as my…
Are All Your Needs Abundantly Met?
We all desire and deserve to live an abundant life. For most people, though, when they think about abundance, their thoughts immediately turn to money. And when most people think about money, all sorts of fear and lack distortions show up. Can you relate? Many people are in the process of discovering how totally unsatisfying it is to live a “normal” life with a job that does not resonate with them. With the world facing unprecedented change, I invite you to consider a very important question. Is transforming lack into abundance, where all your needs are easily met, a top-of-mind priority in your life? In the fifth class of…
How’s This for a New Year’s Resolution?
2022 is fast approaching, and I want to first thank everyone for being a part of my journey and inviting me to be a part of yours over the last 12 months. Whether you partake in the tradition of making one or more resolutions to jumpstart the New Year, there’s a good chance you will be taking time to consider what area of your life you wish to improve upon in 2022. This is especially true when you contrast the unimaginable year the world just went through with the powerful and auspicious energies supporting all of us in the coming New Year. But before you go leaping into the…
Eliminate Artificial Fear From Your Life, So You Can REALLY Start Living!
If you’re experiencing an amplified amount of fear lately, you’re not alone. It doesn’t take much to see or sense just how rampant fear has become these days, and it seems as if our world is now so immersed in, and infused with fear, that its insanity has become a normal part of life. It’s true that some types of fear are normal and needed. By that, I mean the kind of fear that emerges when your life is threatened—the kind of fear we truly do need in order to become really present in the moment and for our adrenaline to kick in so that we have the super energy…
Get Ready to REALLY Change Your Life for the Better!
Freedom From the Known, the most important course I’ve ever taught, starts on January 22nd, and I want to give you a true feel for how powerful this course can be in your life—regardless of where you’re starting from, what’s currently going on in your life, or how you’ve approached fear, pain or lack in the past. You’ve heard the old saying “as within, so without”? This course works by reaching beyond thought and deep into your being which brings forth who you truly are internally, which then, in turn, improves your experience in the outer world. It focuses on the three common energetic overlays that, individually and/or together, have…
There is Nothing to Do
In the middle of all of these incredible energies we’re all experiencing, this year’s eclipses, solstice window opening, and the uptick of the energies come to us from the depths of our universe and beyond, whew, it’s a lot I know; if you’re experiencing Doingness, just wanting, needing, impelled to be busy doing something, anything, it’s okay to relax and do nothing. Just sit, be still, center into the still point deep in your heart. We need do nothing unless it is from inspired action. There is nothing we can do to speed the process of our awakening, it happens in its own time, and we just get out of…
Because We Love
Because We Love, the galaxies and stars move through the endless void of creation. Because We Love, the moons circle around their planets like children and mothers. Because We Love, the tides rise and fall. Because We Love, rain gently falls and caresses Gaia like a lover. Because We Love, flowers, trees, and plants spring forth from Gaia. Because We Love, the plant’s roots grow deep into the earth bring forth nourishment for all of life. Because We Love, the wind gently blows across my skin, raising god bumps as it gently caresses me. Because We Love, the deep ocean currents rise to the surface, bringing new wisdom with them.…
Abundance and Personal Silliness
We all know that we are not just abundant, we are Abundance itself. The universe that we live in as us is so vast beyond our comprehension, and it is incredibly abundant. We all know that the energy is ours and it is here to serve us, and the flow of that energy is simply incredible as it moves through us, bringing us everything we need in each moment. And yet, sometimes we get can get “stuck” in our own silliness and get in the way of that marvelous flow. For example, and of this is kind of embarrassing, a few years ago the hydraulic struts that hold up the…
Stillness in the Midst of Chaos
In the same way that when planets go direct or retrograde before there is a change in their motion, there is a stillness where all movement ceases and only stillness is present, no matter what is happening outwardly, or even inwardly for that matter. No matter the inner or outer chaos, stillness is omnipresent. I have moved into such a point of stillness, where my previous “spin” has come to a standstill. And this includes physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual, it is omnipresent in all of me. All is at a standstill, in silent stillness. There is no attempting to begin anything, no pushing to do anything, just a deep…
Unbounded Love
“I experience the vast ocean of love, deep within my being.I have found the place where the Ocean of Love enters Life and I stand on its shore.It is as if I stand at the very edge of the created universe, at the threshold, where life is called into being. I see how this ocean of love just flows into the whole of its creation, never diminishing. If we could be but empty it would flow through us and out into our lives but we get in the way, through our desires. Instead of being conduits, we seek to channel this ocean into the places we choose: this relationship, my…
Within everything, there is Stillness. Within every “doing” that we do, no matter how “active” it is, there is always stillness inside of it. All of creation emanates from Stillness.Stillness is the creative force behind everything.At the heart of everything, no matter how large or small, there is stillness. In every word you speak, there is stillness before the sound.With every breath, you take, you breathe in stillness and exhale stillness out. Stillness Moves Upon the Void and all of creation comes into Being. In the center of every thought you experience yourself having, there is stillness. Feel yourself being the observer that you are the one experiencing yourself having…