• The Eden Template

    Wanda Vitale and I talking a bit about The Eden Template and how the activation works and becomes you as You.

  • Listening to Guidance

    On the Importance of Listening to Guidance.

    Sometimes guidance comes to us in very very quiet and small ways. Now that it’s fall there are always more spiders move into the house and I find them stuck in the shower frequently. This morning as I showered I heard inside myself “You know when you have become kind when you check the shower for spiders first to be able to remove them”. As I turned around there was a spider sitting on the bottom of the tub getting wet, and hopefully it just like being outside in a rain storm, yet it was pretty drenched. So I stopped showering and lifted it out. It might seem insignificant, after…

  • Great Souls

    Great Souls

    A normal person draws a circle of life around them and within that circle is their their family and they protect everyone in it. A soul draws a circle of life around many many families and protects all within it. Then there are those Souls whose destiny is to draw a circle of life around all of humanity and the entire multiverse and through the size of their hearts protect and serve all of life. Blessings to all and may you know you are such a Soul.