
  • Redwood Consciousness

    The Consciousness of Redwoods, Our Elders

    Our first blueprint for the Garden of Eden is the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life is the architecture of our multidimensional body, allowing us to consciously travel through the different dimensions it consciously carries. The Tree of Life is our light body, or the original architecture of our light body, or Blueprint. In the same way, trees are not only our sacred companions that hold the symbolism of the Tree of Life, they form a network that is connected to the Cosmic Network, and so the role of the elder trees is to as portals and stargates to other dimensions. Our ancient ancestors lived according to the laws…

  • Mothers Love

    Mother’s Love

    When a mother lifts a crying baby to her heart, the baby calms down by feeling her heartbeat. These sounds are so familiar to the baby because it has known them since the moment it was conceived. These tones of the mother’s heart communicate with the child’s heart, helping the child feel the endless unconditional love that flows between mother and child. Just as no child ever forgets the tones of his mother’s heart, none of us forgets the heart tones of our original mother of all of us, the Holy Mother, because all our souls are born in these sounds, in these tones of love. The songs of the…

  • Connecting and Celebrating Dragons

    Celebrating & Connecting with Dragons

    2024 is the Year of the Dragon As many of you know I AM offering a class on Celebrating and Connecting with Dragons on Sunday, January 7, at 11:00 am Pacific. I have been very excited to share what is coming through, and it is incredibly beautiful. Dragons are 12th dimensional beings and they are aspects of the Sophianic or Solar Christ Consciousness, Solar Rishes [different embodiments of the Solar Logos]. They hold their aspect of Christ Consciousness and assist us in grounding and anchoring [embodying] this energy in us. During the last epoch when the energies fell dramatically and humans almost completely forgot who they were, dragons were vilified…

  • Death and Dying, Thriving in the Present Moment

    Death & Dying…or…Living & Thriving in the Present Moment……The Death of Illusion

    At one time or another, all of us have heard the question “Is there life after death?” and the real question that we need to ask ourselves is “Is there life before death?”. Most of the world’s people live in either the past or the future [or a combination of the two], neither of which exists. The past is gone and no one has ever experienced the future. This is because it is always NOW, and the only moment that is available to any of us is Here and Now. Yet to be present in the moment, it is necessary to neutralize all the distortions, traumas, and programs that still…

  • Awakening the Ranbow Light Body

    Awakening & Embodying the Rainbow Light Body

    The Rainbow Light body has often been referred to as an amplifier of ascension, if not the most advanced amplifier available to HUmans. In the old way of ascension, practitioners who received this practice would spend 20 years in meditation without a single negative thought in order to master it. And after mastering it, they would then consciously begin to dissolve back into spirit. There are numerous examples of these masters dissolving their bodies and shrinking to the size of small babies, or completely dissolving their bodies into spirit. And, this is the OLD way, where when one experienced enlightenment, they would drop their bodies and return to spirit as…

  • What is it to Grow

    We’re Transforming at a Deep Deep Level

    Many are currently experiencing an emptiness that is new and also very uncomfortable. It is actually a normal part of our growth, to experience periods of emptiness between growth spurts. When planted in the ground a seed needs to rest in darkness under the earth in order to begin to germinate. As it rests underground, it prepares itself for its actual growth stages. Without this resting phase, it would not be able to germinate. Once it has rested in darkness, it doesn’t just push upward towards the light. First, it puts down a root deep enough to support its upward growth. Without the strength and stability of developing deep roots,…

  • Recharging and Balancing Earth Elements

    Recharging and Balancing the Earth’s Elements, a Global Meditation

    Recently in very lucid dreams, and meditation I was shown how depleted and out of balance the elements and elemental forces on the earth are. And, it is natural for the energetics of the elements and the elemental forces to decline over time and become depleted. Yet currently what is happening with all of the chaoticness happening in the world, is that the collective’s dysfunction and misuse of their own energy fields are creating an immense imbalance in the elemental forces themselves. From greed to war, selfishness, and many other lower aspects of Beingness, as a collective, we’re not being responsible for the use of our own energy and what…

  • Kids living many lives

    The Lives We Choose to Incarnate Into

    The life paths we find ourselves in, and the roles we choose to play throughout the entirety of our incarnational stream, can be likened to children playing. Children can totally immerse themselves into a role, like a doctor, teacher, police person, firefighter, pilot, and on and on and on. In this immersion, they can become that person and live out that role, and they can live many many roles and careers each day, choosing or rejecting a life that appeals to them. This is like a condensed version of your incarnational stream, where we live our many lives, all designed to expand your consciousness through experiences And that is how…

  • Embodying the I AM

    We are in the midst of the greatest expansion of consciousness we have ever experienced. Our universe [one of trillions] is expanding exponentially at such a rate that it’s inconceivable to the mind how quickly it is expanding. Galaxies are racing away from each other quantumly. In April of 1990, the Hubble Telescope [at the time the most powerful telescope ever built] and at one point set its incredible lens in a section of space with no light or other frequencies and left it open for a week. When the photos came in, billions of galaxies were “discovered” in what was seemingly empty space. In December of 2021, James Webb…

  • Tree of Life

    Why Is It So Difficult to Remember Who We Are?

    It has always fascinated me that remembering who we are can be so difficult. On its face, it would seem like the most natural, easy, and organic process. After all, we are who we are. So why don’t more of us remember this and through remembrance, reconnect with our full multi-dimensionality? In the course of our many many many incarnations, whenever we have died, [no matter how peaceful that process] if we have not remembered, the body has an automatic fear response. This is because, in a sleep state, the body thinks this is the end and it will merely become worm food. This fear response creates a little smoky…

  • Freedom From the Known

    Living a Spirit-Filled Life, Free from Fear, Pain, and Lack

    When I was in the fourth grade growing up in Boise Idaho, and like many young children, I experienced a fear of the dark. In the winter I stayed after school for extracurricular activities and it was always dark when I walked home, and I walked by myself as no one else went the way I did. I lived on the North end of Boise, where the streets were lined with trees and they grew together over the streets forming a dense canopy. At the intersections of each block, the trees were trimmed so that the light from the streetlights could be seen, while the block itself was in the…