• Touch the Earth

    Touch the Earth

    Touch the Earth, She knows. Touch the Earth, She Remembers. Touch the Earth, She remembers the perfection of your Soul. Touch the Earth, She knows the original pattern of your DNA from when you first sent it to Her. Touch the Earth, She will show you what you have forgotten. Touch the Earth, Remember Who You Are!

  • Allowing

    Sitting at the edge of the abyss, or sailing over the edge. it’s a very vulnerable place as one simply continues to dissolve into the God Self. There is nothing to do, nothing one can do, except just allow. Sometimes, only sometimes, it’s not easy to go through this, yet other times it’s as gentle as a baby opening its hand and letting go of something. Ease and Grace to everyone as we undergo the Transfiguration. Blessings

  • Freedom from the Known

    Completion of Soul Circuitry

    n ancient Mystery Schools, neophytes would arrive at a point in their training where they would present themselves as candidates for their final initiation(s). The training that neophytes underwent were arduous, dangerous, and life-threatening. and it might take many lifetimes to build their light bodies enough to be considered. In all cultures and civilizations, recent, ancient, living or extinct, large or small, whether it be the Mystery Schools of Egypt, Lemuria, Atlantis, Mayan, Incan, Summarian, Indigenous traditions, present in all of them was the journey of initiation and mastery, whether it be a shamanic tradition within a tribal context or an entire civilization that was devoted to self-realization. These initiatory…

  • Completion of Soul Circuitry

    Today I will be live with Peter Clark Nelson at 5:00-5:30 discussing in detail the Completion of Soul Circuitry initiation – activations being offered through November. In ancient Mystery Schools, neophytes would arrive at a point in their training where they would present themselves as candidates for their final initiation(s). The training that neophytes underwent were arduous, dangerous, and life-threatening. and it might take many lifetimes to build their light bodies enough to be considered. In all cultures and civilizations, recent, ancient, living or extinct, large or small, whether it be the Mystery Schools of Egypt, Lemuria, Atlantis, Mayan, Incan, Summarian, Indigenous traditions, present in all of them was the…

  • Weighing of the Heart

    Weighing of the Heart

    In pre-dynastic Egypt, aka tens of thousands of years in time ago, when a person crossed over into non-physical, part of their journey was the weighing of one’s heart where it was placed on a scale and if it was heavier than Maat’s Feather of Truth, one was found wanting and continued their journey through the underworld (reincarnated over and over) until they cleared themselves and remembered the truth of who they are. When we completely surrender into the remembrance of the One Self, which is All, we begin the process of cleansing any distortions in us and literally lighten up. I’ll be offering the ancient initiation into the Egyptian…

  • The Slavery Overlay

    A few nights ago in dreams, I was in a huge huge huge machine, and it was an energy of slavery. All of the people who worked in it were black and all of the supervisors who oversaw them were white. This machine was extremely dangerous, it was not made for safety. In fact, there were no safety features or protocols in place at all and if someone was hurt there was no medical assistance available to them. While I was there a man was seriously injured doing his job and got caught in the machine and I asked his supervisor to take him to the infirmary and he made…