• Awakening the Ranbow Light Body

    Awakening & Embodying the Rainbow Light Body

    The Rainbow Light body has often been referred to as an amplifier of ascension, if not the most advanced amplifier available to HUmans. In the old way of ascension, practitioners who received this practice would spend 20 years in meditation without a single negative thought in order to master it. And after mastering it, they would then consciously begin to dissolve back into spirit. There are numerous examples of these masters dissolving their bodies and shrinking to the size of small babies, or completely dissolving their bodies into spirit. And, this is the OLD way, where when one experienced enlightenment, they would drop their bodies and return to spirit as…

  • What is it to Grow

    We’re Transforming at a Deep Deep Level

    Many are currently experiencing an emptiness that is new and also very uncomfortable. It is actually a normal part of our growth, to experience periods of emptiness between growth spurts. When planted in the ground a seed needs to rest in darkness under the earth in order to begin to germinate. As it rests underground, it prepares itself for its actual growth stages. Without this resting phase, it would not be able to germinate. Once it has rested in darkness, it doesn’t just push upward towards the light. First, it puts down a root deep enough to support its upward growth. Without the strength and stability of developing deep roots,…