One of the largest fears most people have is of their inevitable death. And, we have birth and death completely backward. When we take birth we contract from our life in spirit and almost immediately forget who we are, we lose our connection to other dimensions and universes. When we die, we let go of our physical vessel and return to Spirit and regain our full awareness of our multi-dimensionality. So why are we so afraid? Why is there such a “built-in” fear of death? Through the incarnational stream of our lives, every time we have dropped our bodies and returned to spirit, if we had not remembered who we…
Cosmology of Our Local Universe and Your Galactic Aspects
Years ago I listened to an interview with a scientist that studied electromagnetic frequency. One of the striking things they said was that if you compared the entire spectrum and made it like a movie film, stretched from earth to the moon, our awareness of the spectrum might comprise a dozen or so squares of the film, and the rest of it is invisible to us as we have no instruments to measure the unknown. Certainly, our ability to measure (see further) has grown since that interview, and also our inner seeing has also grown, allowing us to see, feel, and know deeper into the inner cosmos of our souls.…
No Matter How Broken You Think You Are, You’re Not!
Remembering who you are as a Soul is not a magic trick. And it’s not a quick fix for your pain, suffering, or financial struggles. It’s Your Birthright! The Eden Template: Freedom from the Known is an 11-week, multi-dimensionally transformative course, that reconnects you to your original Soul Template, and assisting you to release distortions of fear, pain, and lack from your energy field through guided meditations that open dormant neural pathways in your body and auric fields, which connect you to Source Consciousness and the immensity of Beingness. In the vastness of the unknown, devoid of fear, you truly live without limits. You cannot accessthis, or reconnect with the…
Achieve True Alignment [Embodiment] With Your Higher Self
Hello My Dear Friends: As you already know, we are in the very beginning of an unprecedented shift in consciousness as our abilities to remember our full multidimensionality are being returned to us. As this process grows in fullness in us, it’s as if we’re in a centrifuge, where our inside is spinning faster and faster at a higher frequency rate, while at the same time, our bodies are slowing down. For most, this is very disoriented, some moments I can hardly walk or even stand. It pulls us into sleep and rest while we undergo this transformation [transfiguration]. Be at ease and be gentle with yourselves. We’ve not done…
We’re Cleansing at a Quantum Level
Hello, my dear friends: Even though many of us might feel that we’re going a good job, if not a great job of clearing our fields, we’re all being asked to go so much deeper. We’re all going through the transfiguration which will not only transform us at every level of our Being, literally changing every part of all of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, we are being asked to surrender everything. I’ll say that again, EVERYTHING of our old way of being, no matter how small it may be. We simply cannot take anything of our old way of being into the NEW that is pulling us…
You Are the Universe
When you know what “As within, so without” means, you know that the human nervous system is the universe, not like or even identical to, it IS the universe. The illustration above of the nerves and ganglia of the nervous system can be used to show us how we are really wired. Our nervous system (neural net) connects and is the crystalline grid of the earth, or what the aboriginal people call Song Lines. This is why all indigenous peoples are connected to the land they are tied to because it is a part of them. Most humans have simply forgotten, or choose to continue to forget, we are the…
Just Let Go
Life will bring us to the precipice again and again until we finally surrender and Just Let Go. No matter how much we are in resistance, ultimately there is only a choiceless choice. You’ve heard that we can go easily with grace, or be drug-kicking and screaming. Either way, eventually we will finally surrender. Since the energies supporting us in making this leap are here in such abundance it is so easy to let go and leap into the unknown. Remember when you were a child and maybe you jumped off a hill or a bridge or swung into a lake or river. How at first it might have been…
We are On the Threshold of No More War
Can you feel the entire world crying out, saying No More War, no more of the old power-over control games, both personal, national, religious or cultural? Transcending power, that has been playing out for thousands of years. We are on the cusp of this becoming a reality. Energetically, we are moving into a frequency of energy where war is simply not possible. Yet as we move into this very high frequency, it is still up to all of us collectively to accomplish this, as it is still only a possibility, yet it is palpable in the energy field surrounding us and it is growing stronger every moment, pulling us into…
Death – Is There a Difference Between Life & Death
Is there a difference between Life and Death? Nope, not a bit. What we call “life” is our experience of living in a body, yet we are vast beyond comprehension, and life in the body is such a small part of who we are. For in truth, we are never born, nor will we ever die, for who we are is beyond life and death. I have died 10 times and each time chose to return to the body, although it would have been easy to return to Source. What I now know (not understand with the mind) is that when you die and return, you are changed. If you…
When was the Last Time You Totally Cleaned Your Energy Field?
We all know how wonderful it feels when we do a deep cleaning of our homes. It is so nice to clean everything and remove all of the old dust bunnies and remove all the old stagnant stuff and how it can leave us feeling rejuvenated. But how long does that feeling last? A day? A few hours? Clearing your energy field is quite similar. Except for one big difference. There is a way to clear your energy field of the distortions of fear, and remove your pain body, that leaves you rejuvenated for the rest of your life. This has to do with rewiring your neural net or nervous…
Are You Ready to Claim Your Birthright?
It’s your birthright. Are you ready to claim it? Remembering who you are as a Soul is not a magic trick. And it’s not a quick fix for your pain, suffering, or financial struggles. It’s Your Birthright! During my 11-week, multidimensionally transformative course, “The Eden Template: Freedom from the Known “, you will discover how to claim your birthright by freeing yourself from fear, lack, and pain! In the vastness of the unknown, devoid of fear, you truly live without limits. This is where you no longer daydream about a free, abundant life. You live it. Not because I say so, but because you declare it so for yourself. There…