Death & Dying, the Art of Living in the Present Moment

Death & Dying, The Art of Living in Presence

One of the largest fears most people have is of their inevitable death. And, we have birth and death completely backward. When we take birth we contract from our life in spirit and almost immediately forget who we are, we lose our connection to other dimensions and universes. When we die, we let go of our physical vessel and return to Spirit and regain our full awareness of our multi-dimensionality.

So why are we so afraid? Why is there such a “built-in” fear of death?

Through the incarnational stream of our lives, every time we have dropped our bodies and returned to spirit, if we had not remembered who we are, realized we are and always have been an eternal being, there is an automatic fear response in the body that this is the end, and one’s consciousness will cease. That fear creates a small smoky thread that wraps around the Source Star at the base of our spine and over the course of our many lifetimes, it chokes off the energy flow from Source flowing into us, depriving us of our natural energy.

The first Eden Template class, Awaken Your Original Soul Blueprint, opens the Source Star at the base of one’s spine, allowing the flow of Source Creator’s energy to begin to flow again, and it dissolves all of the smoky threads, allowing a reconnection directly with Source Creator.

The art of Living in Presence is learning how to consciously die in each moment, living in the Eternal Now, and letting go of everything from our past. All of our judgments, fears, regrets, attachments, etc (the list can be endless) and living in Presence, in this moment. Truly there is no past nor future, only the Eternal Now.
