Remembering who you are as a Soul is not a magic trick. And it’s not a quick fix for your pain, suffering, or financial struggles. It’s Your Birthright! During my new 7-week, multidimensionally transformative course, “The Eden Template: Freedom from the Known “, you will be shown how to claim your birthright by freeing yourself from fear, lack, and pain! In the vastness of the unknown, devoid of fear, you truly live without limits. This is where you no longer daydream about a free, abundant life. You live it. Not because I say so, but because you declare it so for yourself. There is one catch. You cannot access your…
How’s This for a New Year’s Resolution?
2021 is fast approaching, and I want to first thank you for being a part of my journey and inviting me to be a part of yours over the last 12 months. Whether you partake in the time old tradition of making one or more resolutions to jumpstart the New Year, there’s a good chance you will be taking time to consider what area of your life you wish to improve upon in 2021. This is especially true when you contrast the unimaginable year the world just went through with the powerful and auspicious energies supporting all of us in the coming New Year. But before you go leaping…
It is Never too Late to Remember
The holidays are a beautiful time of remembrance, gifting, and sharing our love and gratitude for those in our life. Yet, it is also a time when many put so much energy into caring for others that when the holidays are over with, they are overwhelmed by an unexpected wave of physical exhaustion and even depression can creep in. Truth is, it is easy to overlook the gift of you. I wanted to invite you to take a moment and consider how are you showing yourself the love, care, and attention you so willingly and beautifully bless others with? Perhaps this is not as easy as it sounds. There are…
What is Better than Free?
Freedom from the Known! What would it be like to completely step out of your limitations, beliefs, habitual patterns of thinking and being? This freedom is what the Eden Template offers, through a direct connection to Source, the Creator. It is literally Freedom from the Known, everything that binds you and holds you in limitation, and only because you continue to allow it. Soon I will return to Kenya, and while there I will celebrate my Diamond Jubilee birthday. In some cultures, when it is your birthday, instead of being celebrated, the person whose birthday it is, is the one that does a Giveaway to everyone. So as my Giveaway…
We Are All Connected
Yes I know we all know we are connected. And every day even science confirms this, albeit differently than I mean. Science knows that quantumly everything is connected to everything else. Another way of saying All is One, there is no other. Energetically and spiritually any time two particles of matter have ever been in contact with each other, no matter the distance between them, on a quantum level they will feel what each other feels. That doesn’t necessarily mean it happens consciously, yet the feeling energy is there. It doesn’t matter if they are on opposite sides of the galaxy, the universe, in another universe, or even beyond, the…
We Are Crossing a Threshold
The Winter Solstice (Spring in the Southern Hemisphere) is almost upon us, and this is the ending of a huge cycle, in the language of time. Every 26,000 years we complete a local cycle within our local galaxy and on an even much larger cycle, of our journey aligned with other galaxies and dimensions, and the Great Central Sun. For many, the event horizon has already been crossed, and for others, it is just beginning; and as we know the ride can be a bit bumpy as we fall into the black hole at the center of our galaxy and are literally stretched across trillions of light-years while we are…
Eden Template Phase II Activation
This Sunday, December 20th, I will be offering the second phase of the Eden Template. Here we do a very detailed cleansing and fine tuning the mixing points in energy column, finding the optimal frequencies where the three main spinal channels intersect so your energy flows as smoothly as possible. We will also work with the corpus callosum, which is the large nerve fiber bundle found beneath the cerebral cortex. It stretches across the midline of the brain, connecting the left and right cerebral hemispheres, and makes up the largest collection of white matter tissue found in the brain. Normally it functions as a barrier that restricts neural movement between…
Eden Template 12:12 Activation, Winter Solstice, Solar Flares, Total Solar Eclipse & Comets
This Saturday’s Eden Template activation feels to be particularly potent as we will definitely be in the total solar eclipse window which is on the 14th. Recent solar flares with coronal mass ejections and a large solar wind from the sun’s coronal hole, both on their way towards earth with their geomagnetic storms And as a special bonus, the comet Erasmus has finally made it into the inner solar system, and this is its first visit here in over 2,000 years. Its tail is so large that cannot be photographed with a single image. Lots going on energetically which is always a wonderful boost to the energy of the activation.…
Freedom from the Known
Remembering who you are as a Soul is not a magic trick.And it’s not a quick fix for your pain, suffering, or financial struggles. It’s Your Birthright! The Eden Template: Freedom from the Known is a 7-week, multidimensionally transformative course that reconnects you to your original Soul Template by assisting you to release distortions of fear and lack from your energy field and remove the pain body. Lovingly guiding you out of the pain of the known, and expertly facilitating your journey into the unlimited possibilities of the unknown, is David Maria, the creator of Freedom from the Known and the Living Transmission of The Eden Template. Most of us…
The Blog is Finally Ready
Finally, after a long hiatus, my blog is finally up and working. It has taken a long time as there have been so many things to do, and it feels really good to finally have it completed. You can view the latest posts and news here on the blog page and also a synoptic version on the home page. Now the next step is to get it configured so that they will automatically post to Facebook. I hope that you all enjoy the articles and posts.
We are Physical and Non-Physical, Matter and Energy, at the Same Time
A wave can have many attributes, yet it is always one with the ocean it rides over, and when it reaches the shore it disappears, yet it is still the ocean. So we, like the wave, are always One with All, yet for a while, we project our consciousness here and have a body, yet we are always connected to Source, with The Self, and when we’re ready we will dissolve back into the All, with Source, The Self. We are like a great sine wave that is more like a frequency symphony riding the threshold between being matter and energy and yet at the same time, we are both.…