We are all Connected

We Are All Connected

Yes I know we all know we are connected. And every day even science confirms this, albeit differently than I mean. Science knows that quantumly everything is connected to everything else. Another way of saying All is One, there is no other.

Energetically and spiritually any time two particles of matter have ever been in contact with each other, no matter the distance between them, on a quantum level they will feel what each other feels. That doesn’t necessarily mean it happens consciously, yet the feeling energy is there.

It doesn’t matter if they are on opposite sides of the galaxy, the universe, in another universe, or even beyond, the connection is always there.

We Are All One. There is no degree of separation between us.

If you attempt to put separation between you and another or something else through judgment or a belief you hold, you are creating what truly does not exist.

Accepting What Is, as it is, without judgment, is the ability to fully see, feel and experience something. Attempting to experience something as separate from yourself is to veil it within your personal preferences.

Bring present in the Now moment, it is impossible to interject separation into your experience of it.

Blessings my friends.


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