Africa 2022
Africa 2022

Africa 2021-2022

Africa 2021-2022

On the second day in Nairobi, Kenya, having had a bit of rest from the very long plane ride, we journeyed to Karura Forest, which is located in Nairobi near the United Nations and embassy district.

This is an incredible forest being continually restored, within Nairobi. It is a microcosm of what Kenya used to look like. It is a natural setting within the city with incredible trees, lakes, ponds, and hiking trails and once you are in the park all sense of the huge noisy surrounding city disappears.

It is filled with HUGE trees, including the sacred fig, and grassy parks for family picnics. It is a perfect recuperation walk to recover from the long flight to get there before setting out into greater Kenya.

Yet, this is not a travel log of how to recover from a long flight. It is about the sacredness of the land. This is a small microcosm of what Kenya and most of Africa used to look like before it was violently invaded by the British, and other European countries, who devastated the land by cutting down all the trees and changing the landscape, which Kenyans are now only beginning to address by replanting the forests.

Yet more than that, it is the beginning of all of us remembering that we are all connected to and of the earth, that there is a sacred connection between us and all of life, and we are now remembering, restoring, and honoring all those connections.

As the frequency of the energy grid of Gaia raises, we begin to see the restoration of the Song Lines and even though it might not look like it, it is changing.


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