You Are an Ambassador

You Are a Galactic Ambassador

When the earth was first created, as the great experiment that it is, there was no life on the surface. There were crystalline cities of light inside the earth, yet no life on the surface. When the moment arrived that life was going to be created on the surface, the call went out, and many many many many beings from multitudinous universes answered the call.

Some came to assist with the actual creation because they carried the codes of creation within themselves. Others contributed their DNA to assist in the creation of the soon-to-emerge humans.

You ARE one of those beings.

One of the funny things about our fascination with UFO and contact with our star sisters and brothers, is that we’re really longing for the connection with ourselves, our soul family, those whom we know intimately as our family.

Now that you’re here in incarnation, and knowing you are one of the original creator beings, know that you are an ambassador here. You are an ambassador of light, here to shine your light as brightly as you can, to open your heart so wide and express that Love through being so vulnerable and willing to let yourself be seen, that it changes everyone you come into contact with, no matter if it is deeply intimate, or casual, you are here to help other Souls, who do not yet remember who they are, to begin to remember.

You may ask: How do you do that?

Simply by just Being. Just being you and letting yourself be seen quickens everyone you come in contact with.

Blessings my dear friends.

Sharing is always welcome.