
Isis & Osiris Fractured Masculine

In Egyptian history, the story of Isis and Osiris stands out with its implications for our current state of consciousness and the fracturing of the male psyche.

Osiris as king brought new heights of civilization to Egypt and her people. Yet he was murdered by his jealous brother, his body dismembered and cast to the directions.

Isis in her grief searched until she found all of the parts, and brought them back together except for one, his phallus, and in a supreme act of magic, she fashioned a new one and brought all of the parts together and returned Osiris’ Soul-Spirit back into his body and subsequently conceived Horus, the Divine Child.

What is significant here, is in the current iteration of the patriarchal energies, the fractured male became a model for the strong man, and the phallus or penis became a weapon used against women. (i.e. rape culture, pornography, violence against women, war – the list it waaaay too long).

The trauma that men have endured and normalized is ending as men begin their work in relation to the return of the Divine Feminine. It’s not enough for the Divine Feminine to just return, although it cannot be emphasized enough how necessary and important Her return has been. She has to be met with Her equal. She has to be met by the Divine Masculine who is whole and complete, and not fractured.

Wholing themselves and embodying the Divine Masculine is not easy for men as it’s not something that is conveyed to them through cultural modeling, yet through Grace, there are those who are wholing themselves and modeling this wholeness for others to emulate.

Blessings, blessings, blessings to all the men who are doing the deep deep work of recovering their fractured parts and wholing themselves and shining their light, their Whole light for the world to see.