Working with Energy

Working with “Disharmonious” Energy

In my recent dreams I was shown in depth the working of energy as a wave and how it interacts with it’s own harmonics and also with other energy waves and how energy becomes creation, both formless and in form.

Then I was shown how any energy you can imagine that is extremely disharmonious can be balanced with it’s opposite and when it happens the two align into One.

All this last week I’ve been shown something that I just couldn’t pull through into understanding and knowing what was being shown to me. The dream kept coming and coming and eventually it was shown to me in pieces or parts and still I did not recognize what was being communicated.

This morning I saw all of the individual pieces together and upon awakening from the dream the entire transmission came in. What I was shown was how to read a Souls awakening on it’s journey back into Oneness. I was shown many elements that are necessary to go deeper into that journey and how it could be like the gears of a clock in that all the pieces intermix and are all necessary. And by gears I mean wheels within wheels within wheels, all working together.

If for example one jumped into the I AM presence and spends as much time there as possible and avoids all the other parts of our soul’s journey of integration, it’s not going to let us complete it as there are still unfinished and unintegrated parts of ourselves and we are spiritually bypassing.

And, no amount of efforting, doing or pushing will allow us to move any gear into it’s proper position until the work is complete and then it will organically move on it’s own effortlessly.

Once all of the integration has happened and each gear has moved into it’s proper alignment then as a whole the entire gear works move as one and it opens up or unfolds, the gears or wheels within wheels all fall away and you merge into the unity of the Logos and your Soul dissolves and is no more as there is only Oneness.

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