The Winter Solstice (Spring in the Southern Hemisphere) is almost upon us, and this is the ending of a huge cycle, in the language of time. Every 26,000 years we complete a local cycle within our local galaxy and on an even much larger cycle, of our journey aligned with other galaxies and dimensions, and the Great Central Sun.

For many, the event horizon has already been crossed, and for others, it is just beginning; and as we know the ride can be a bit bumpy as we fall into the black hole at the center of our galaxy and are literally stretched across trillions of light-years while we are still here on Gaia in our physical bodies..
It’s not always an easy journey, this remembering of who we are, and for some, it might be very difficult, so hold your light steady with your compassion, yet also do not engage in the unfolding dramas, that is not our work.
Sometimes in meditation I see and feel the entirety of my incarnational stream as a spiral of light, like a string of pearls or fractals within fractals within fractals, emanating from the Self that we all are, and know that there is no difference in my stream and yours.
As those grand cycles of wheels within wheels turning in ever grander movements come to a still point, a deeper alignment, we completely dissolve into our true Self and remember who we are.

Sharing is always welcomed.