After yesterdays post on Destiny points in my life, there is some clarification to discuss.
Yes Theresa Luttenegger, Beth Kuria and myself were called to Kenya last year and the primary work that we did was to break the seals on the Master Crystal from Atlantis, that was dimensionally hidden in Mount Kenya, which released the frequencies of Eden spreading out in waves across the earth. Yes I was also called to Kenya through dreams by the Gikuyu Seers who gave me the transmission of their lineage. That said it was not as much of a transmission into their lineage as it was an awakening, a remembrance that I have been a seer in this lineage, and many other lineages, in multiple incarnations and so have Theresa and Beth. We were call there partially to stimulate the deeper remembrance of our incarnations there. This is not unusual in a Soul’s journey, nor is it special as there are so so so so many great Souls here in incarnation in this moment who have taken journeys like this.
Mount Kenya is where the ancient queens and kings of Egypt went when they were ready to undergo their final initiation trials and upon entering into the mountain were given a succession of herbs. The first herb put the body into a coma (death), the second herb transformed the consciousness (transformation) and the third revived the body (rebirth). If the initiates survived, and not all did, they then returned to Egypt as what we now know as the Creator Gods of the Pre-Dynastic Egyptian Pantheon.
During all of this I was in a beyond the beyond altered state and many new abilities came on line such as deeper dream walking, seeing into the heart of something or someone, knowingness that is instantaneous instead of downloading and integrating a download, it arrives all at once and is already integrated.
One of the larger transmission that came through was the Eden Template. Receiving it was instantaneous through dream walking, yet it’s unfolding and integration required much inner work on my part as it cannot live where there is unfinished shadow. to be cleared and it took nine months for it to fully integrate and that integration is still ongoing as the Template continues to expand.
Tomorrow I’ll discuss how the template has integrated in me as me and how it works through me and everyone who receives it.