Redwood Consciousness

The Consciousness of Redwoods, Our Elders

Our first blueprint for the Garden of Eden is the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life is the architecture of our multidimensional body, allowing us to consciously travel through the different dimensions it consciously carries. The Tree of Life is our light body, or the original architecture of our light body, or Blueprint.

In the same way, trees are not only our sacred companions that hold the symbolism of the Tree of Life, they form a network that is connected to the Cosmic Network, and so the role of the elder trees is to as portals and stargates to other dimensions.

Our ancient ancestors lived according to the laws of nature, being one with Mother Earth and ALL her kingdoms. They knew which trees were the keepers of wisdom, and guardians of the land, and many tribes gathered for ceremonies around these sacred trees. Being one with all life, our ancestors brought loving offerings to the elders of the trees, the keepers of wisdom, and in return the trees shared with them instructions about the elementals, nature spirits, medicinal plants, wisdomtransmissions from the stars, and much more. All this information came from our Holy Mother, Mother Earth.

When we connect with trees as sacred beings, treating them with respect and love, a special bond forms between us. They begin to reveal more and more of their true nature to us, and at the same time, we learn about ourselves from them and Mother Earth. In loving union with these wonderful beings, they reveal their multidimensional nature to us and we discover our multidimensionality.

We wish to share with you the Presence of wonderful beings whose community is called the Redwoods. Meeting with David these phenomenal beings, the giant tree-elders, I felt as if I had met my old close friends. David and I felt how welcomed we were as they shared their wonderful Presence with us.

Hugging our old friends, and elders we felt them literally hug us back. Their loving Presence was like a warm embrace around us, and we continued to weep for both love and the joy of seeing them again. It’s very common for us to cry every time something touches our heart. Just as tears flow from our eyes, emotions, and remembrance flow freely through us. By blocking the flow of our tears, we also block the flow of our emotions and the flow of energy within us. Tears are holy water, helping us to remember, amplifying, and releasing energies when needed. Whenever something touches our heart, we remember, our heart remembers. When we cry, we express our true feelings, being an authentic expression of our heart.

On the first day of our visit, we were only able to be with these beautiful beings for a few hours because the energies they greeted us with were so intense and we both received continuous downloads that we experienced intense vertigo (David was seriously vertically challenged and could not look into the canopy of the trees) and walking became a challenge.

On the second day, we were more attuned to the energies and spent several hours more with them. These wonderful beings are unique both in their physical nature and in their vibrational expression. Since they are multi-dimensional beings, some of them act as powerful portals, transmitting various extremely high-frequency sounds that are inaudible to our human ears, but which we can feel and interpret through our hearts. We were like a part of the Cosmic Symphony, being listeners and observers at the same time.

This connection, joining with them was indescribable and after our visit, our connection has been continuous. We continue to feel their Presence, even now as I write I experience their energies, being part of both the earthly and the Cosmic network. In a future now moment, David and I would like to do a Redwood themed class to share the Presence, Energies, Magic, and information of these wonderful beings that they shared with us. Here are snippets in the form of pictures and videos from our meetings.

Love and blessings dear hearts,

Viivika Sophia