Remembering who you are as a Soul is not a magic trick.
And it’s not a quick fix for your pain, suffering, or financial struggles.
It’s Your Birthright!

The Eden Template: Freedom from the Known is a 7-week, multidimensionally transformative course that reconnects you to your original Soul Template by assisting you to release distortions of fear and lack from your energy field and remove the pain body.
Lovingly guiding you out of the pain of the known, and expertly facilitating your journey into the unlimited possibilities of the unknown, is David Maria, the creator of Freedom from the Known and the Living Transmission of The Eden Template.

Most of us don’t awaken in a vacuum all by ourselves. We are all connected and others always come forward during our journey of awakening to provide assistance and guidance just when we need it. This is where Freedom from the Known comes in.
Working closely with a multidimensional team within the Monad I AM Presence, David designed Freedom from the Known to be experienced in a live, experiential virtual group dynamic. This means your soul expansive journey through the course will not be done alone.
Joining you in a safe and supportive, virtual group environment will be other like-minded souls, each of whom is committed to clearing out both known and unknown echoes of trauma. Most importantly, like you, they are absolutely ready to experience a new level of freedom and unlimited possibility in life.
How Do You Know if Freedom from the Known is for You?
In the vastness of the unknown, devoid of fear, you truly live without limits. You cannot access this, or reconnect with the Eden Template inside you, with what you know. For this, you have to move beyond the known.
To accelerate the process of The Eden Template activation within you, David will gently take you into the unknown.
During your journey through the course, you will be guided to remember your direct connection to Source and align your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.
If this experience resonates on a deep, soul level, you already know Freedom from the Known is for you. If, however, you are undecided, you are invited to read the following:
The Eden Activation: Freedom from the Known course is for you if:
- It’s your time to thrive, no matter what is going on in the outside world.
- You are no longer willing to have your life run by fear and trauma.
- The unknown scares the bejesus out of you but you’re still ready to leap into it.
- You’re ready to step out of the limitation of logical-linear thinking and into your Soul mission as a sovereign, multi-dimensional being.
- Transforming lack into abundance, where all your needs are easily met, is a top-of-mind priority in your life.
- You consider yourself spiritual but have felt unworthy of living an abundant life.
- You have played small in life out of fear of what others will think or say about you.
- Taking inspired action on new ideas to embody your Soul’s purpose excites you more than it frightens you.
- You’re unwilling to compromise on creating a fulfilling, fearless, and abundant life where money, love, and joy flow easily.
Beginning Saturday January 23 we will meet every Saturday at 11:00 am Pacific for 7 weeks plus a bonus 8th week.
Registration and more information is available at
I am so excited to sharing this journey with everyone.