
The Slavery Overlay

A few nights ago in dreams, I was in a huge huge huge machine, and it was an energy of slavery. All of the people who worked in it were black and all of the supervisors who oversaw them were white. This machine was extremely dangerous, it was not made for safety. In fact, there were no safety features or protocols in place at all and if someone was hurt there was no medical assistance available to them.

While I was there a man was seriously injured doing his job and got caught in the machine and I asked his supervisor to take him to the infirmary and he made a deeply racist comment that they didn’t work on his kind. I refused to accept this so I carried him to the infirmary and the doctor there refused to work on him, commenting that he was already dead (or dying) so why waste medical supplies on him. I literally made him give the man some pain relief so he could at least cross over in peace. The dying man looked at me with kindness and love like no one had ever shown him the slightest bit of either.

I then walked around the machine just looking and men and women were working in unimaginably dangerous conditions and all the while white men were watching them. If someone was injured or killed they were removed and replaced.

I spent the rest of the night looking for the control room thinking if I could find it I would be able to shut this “machine” off. To no avail as I never saw a place where the machine was controlled. This would be my “I can fix this gene” working in me.

The next morning in meditation I saw that there literally was no place where the machine could be turned off, it’s just a system that is in place, there is no one running it.

Feeling deeper into it I know this is not just a slavery overlay on a particular race, it is a slavery overlay on all of humanity and all that is necessary to be free of it is to just walk away.

Just walk away and claim your freedom.