Can you feel it, we’re sailing over the edge. We’re going through the last veils of dissolving and discovering that the dragons are arriving and they will show us every last vestige of the feeling of separation that we carry inside of us. Doesn’t matter what it is, beliefs, shame, fear, guilt, it will all come to the surface to be felt and released, it cannot cross through the veil as only Oneness is available to us.
It doesn’t matter what or even if a story is associated with them, the story is irrelevant. All that matters is how does it feel in the body and then through Grace we have the opportunity to feel into its depths until there is nothing left unfelt and it will release.
In the Egyptian cosmology, this was coming to Maat, in whose Presence your heart is weighed on Her scale against a single feather and if your heart was heavier, there was still more cleansing to do.
How easily we allow ourselves to dissolve into the pure Love that we all are and always have been and realize that we might be like diamond butterflies than human beings, well that’s up to each of us.
For everyone, I wish only for ease and grace in this crossing. It is not easy, and yet each of us has to cross through this veil on our own. It has always been thus. Yet there is so much support being offered now from every corner of the universe(s) it is incredible, so call it forth if needed.
The field of pure Love awaits as you fully remember who you are and freedom births through you.
Blessings my friends.