Remembering We're Dreaming

Remember We’re Dreaming

Last year I had a dream that is very relevant at this moment.

In this dream, I was in Brahma the creator’s temple, and was being shown through the temple complex. Each room that I went into was larger and more beautiful than the room before and every room had four doors that led from it into another room. Each room had its own servants willing to provide anything you wished and were always available.

After touring the temple I had an audience with Brahma who offered me the entire temple, letting me know it had been created just for me and that my every desire would be fulfilled and also that there was a special woman who very much wished to be my partner.

My response was no, that this was a gilded cage and if I accepted I would be trapped in it. With that response, I grew larger and was standing on a beach and saw that the entire huge temple I had been in was merely a grain of sand on a beach comprised of endless grains of sand. I then grew even larger and saw that there were many beaches and then even larger I was in the rings of Saturn and each of the asteroids that comprise the ring also contained trillions of beaches with trillions upon trillions of grains of sand, each an entire universe unto themselves.

We are remembering that we have been sleeping and dreaming. Possibly a Grand Dream, yet still a dream. The entire universe is a dream, the multi-verse that contains trillions of universes is just a dream.

Remembering is not awakening. Awakening entails that there is something that you are not and as you awaken you will discover it.

Remembering is remembering who you have always been, the Divinity of the God-Self. There is no separation anywhere in all of creation. All is God or the Self, or whatever word you wish to use.

Once your ego dissolves all that is left is you, as you have truly always been.

May all Beings know Peace and Remember their true nature.