Yesterday I did a make up for the last Eden Template Activation because of the poor sound quality from the previous one. I went deeper during the activation than I ever have before and as soon as it was “complete” a massive download began, like I haven’t experienced in years, I quickly got to the floor or I was going to fall down as the vertigo was so intense and thought I would going to throw up on a nice carpet from the nausea.
A few hours later I was at least “functional” again, could walk without being dizzy, yet the energy continued it’s integration cleansing through the night and is still present this morning.
In dreams I was in a huge old barn for horses and other animals and farm implements and it was filled with decades and decades of accumulated stuff all covered with a think layer of dust. I was firmly told that my job was clean everything, including the barn, which was three stories tall, and make it sparkling clean.
Initially I resisted a little bit saying it would be dirty again tomorrow as the gaps between the barn boards would just let more dust in again. And of course that was met with laughter by the One telling me to clean it all up.
So I did. First I moved everything outside the barn and blew the dust off and then did a deeper cleaning on it and then brought in a small energy vortex to suck all the dust off the barn and then sprayed the barn with water, washing off any residue, mucked the stalls and put in fresh straw for the animals and then wasn’t sure about all the stuff outside. I woke before knowing if I had brought it back in. Who would want it all back inside again, not me.
You know, just your typical Saturday afternoon and evening major cleansing.