Freedom from the Known

Freedom from the Known

As many celebrate freedom, it needs to be asked, what is it to be truly free?

When you live inside of a dream of _____________, whether it be cultural, religious, racial, gender, privilege, and even more insidious, your own thoughts and beliefs can you really call your self free.

When you awaken from the grand dream of the illusion of who you believe or think yourself to be, the you that you always thought of you dissolve like so many grains of sand on a beach, stripping you completely bare and raw, leaving only the essence of the you that you have always been, just forgot for a while on your incredible journey into separation.

Imagine stepping into yourself with no reference points, no I’m this, that or whatever, nothing, just you in the humble magnificence of Consciousness itself.

Freedom from the Known is letting it all go, everything, even the tiniest smallest micro-atomic sense of I and completely surrendering into the Love that is All.

“This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet.”
~ Rumi