The Eden Template

The Great Awakening

We are fully in the Great Awakening where so many Souls are beginning to waken from their deep sleep and see through the illusions that have covered their eyes.

In December of 2018 I was called to Mount Kenya to what is commonly known as Mount Zion and walked into my destiny. It transformed my life completely and The Eden Template awakened in me, and it is the work I’m here to be in service to the world.

The Eden Template, when fully activated, is the light template undistorted by the patterning of fear and lack. It is the Creator Template. When fully awakened, the Eden Template opens your direct connection to Source, the Creator, God, and your original Soul Blueprint, which grounds in you as you.

This work is deep and potent, resolving ancient patterns that prevent us from stepping fully into the work and ease we’re here to experience on the planet at this time.