Are You Afraid

Bring Fearless

“There’s nothing to fear, except fear itself”
Franklin D. Roosevelt

With fear being broadcast from every quarter these days, that’s all that it is, the broadcasting of fear. If you are still experiencing fear or have unresolved trauma in your field, know that it can be healed.

Personally, I carried so much trauma in myself you might feel it’s a miracle I’m still here. The rape of my mother and sister by their fathers, near death beatings by my father, sexually abused by my uncle, mental and emotional abuse that was seemingly endless.

Yet as you awaken, new abilities emerge to assist you in clearing these energies from your field, not by spiritual bypassing, through feeling them to their depths and then they release and let go and you return to your self in a new way.

Working with The Eden Template has given me, and others, new tools to work with and also just deep deep clearings through the re-connection to Source.

Here’s a recent testimonial from my dear friend Ramsay.
“During and after the transmission I returned to my heart and divine home, lost all fear of death, and watched my old life patterns begin to melt away with the new light I received.”

Your Divine Light floods through correcting and balancing distortions and you emerge as the Divine Being that you truly are.