Eden Template

The Eden Template

A little over a year ago I traveled to Mt. Kenya (known by tribal seers to be the true Mt. Zion) with Theresa Luttenegger and Beth Kuria and we returned as different people.

We were called to activate a master crystal which had been sealed prior to the fall of Atlantis. The twelve Gikuyu shaman or seer-guardians of this multidimensional crystalline technology, called us to come to Africa through dreams and visions, and knew of our coming telepathically and received us in person. None of us had ever communicated in the physical prior to our meeting. They welcomed us in person at the yearly prayer vigil circumambulating around Mount Kenya in front of hundreds of Kenyans.

I was recognized as the 13th seer / shaman of the tribe. During our time there I received the transmission called The Eden Template – the unlocking of our original, undistorted soul blueprint. It is my mission to make the gifts of this energetic technology consciously accessible to as many as possible. The work is deep and potent and awakens memories of your True Self and your unbroken connection to Source.

I can not recommend this more highly. Each of us possess this DNA blueprint but to become aware of it and experience it consciously and integrate it in our field is an amazing gift to give yourself!