Are You Lost

Are You Lost? Yes!

Last night in dreams I was somewhere by myself solo-traveling in a place that looked similar to China, or at least somewhere in the orient.

At one point I realized that I had no idea what I was or where I had come from and there was no one around me could speak English and all of the street signs were in a language I could not read.

Fun huh?

At one point I called a friend that I knew could speak the language and got them on the phone and was planning on handing the phone to a local so they could tell them where I was and then hopefully then I could find my way “home”.

And the person that I chose was a local policeman and my friend and them had a conversation and then the policeman handed me the phone back and my friend asked me if I had my passport with me, and I said no and asked why and he replied that the policeman had offered to take me to the local precinct and help, yet if I didn’t have the passport they would most likely detain me.

So we agreed that what I would do it take a photo of the street signs, which my friend could read, and he would be able to guide me in returning, except that I then had the knowingness that I didn’t know where I had come from.

So I was literally a stranger in a strange land, not knowing anyone there, unable to speak with people or read information.

No anchors, nothing to hold onto or even momentarily grasp.

This is where so many of us are right now. The energies are so strong they are stripping us of everything that is a point of reference within our ego self. We’re being asked to surrender everything and take a deep dive into the deepest heart of our Divinity.

It’s not always easy, yet it can be done and we can do it.

If by chance, like me, you need a little support to walk through something you’re stuck in, I’m always available to help with a session.