The Eden Template Meditations

The Eden Template offers a variety of classes, many of which the associated meditations have been recorded and with a nominal energy exchange are available to isten to at your liesure. The energy exchange for all the below meditations is $22.00 US. Remember this is not like attending a class. You will receive only the meditation, not additional one-on-one guidance.

To see which of our current offerings is available live, please go to our Events page.

Free Meditations:

Gaias Crhstalling Healing Temple

Journey to Gaia's
Crystalline Healing Temple

Healing Through Alignment

Transformational Alchemy
Healing Through Alignment

Loving Yourself into Union

Transformational Alchemy
Loving Yourself into Union

Freedom From the Known Meditations

Awaken Your OriginaL Soul Blueprint

Awakening Your Original Soul Blueprint

Removing the Fear Body

Removing the Fear Body Mystery School

Removing the Pain Body

Removing the Pain Body

Fine Tuning & Aligning the Energy Flow in the Spinal Column and Removing Distortions

Fine Tuning & Aligning the Energy Flow in the Spinal Column and Removing Distortions

Releasing the Codependent Energy Trapped in the Primal Cell

Creating & Living in Abundance
Balancing the Abudance-Lack Body

Working with Frequency Harmonics

Working with Frequency Harmonics,
Cleansing the Secondary Energy Centers

Releasing the Codependent Energy Trapped in the Primal Cell

Releasing the Codependent Energy Trapped in the Primal Cell

Awakening the Heart in Every Cell

Grace: Opening the Heart in Every Cell & Atom of the Body

Collapsing Incarnational Timelines & Clearing Released DistortionsCollapsing Incarnational Timelines & Clearing Released Distortions

Merging with Source Creator in Unity

Living in the Unknown: Merging with Source

Completion of Soul Circuitry

Death & Dying ~ Living in Presence

Completion of Soul Circuitry

Rainbow Buddha Meditation

Individual Class Meditations

Completion of Soul Circuitry

Connecting with Dragons

Completion of Soul Circuitry

Beyond Soul ~ Journey Into the Infinite

Completion of Soul Circuitry

Remembering Union

Embodying Diamond DNA

Embodying Diamond DNA

Connecting to the Stillpoint in Gaias Heart

Connecting to the Stillpoint in Gaia's Heart

Loving Your Inner Children

Loving Your Inner Children

Embodying Diamond DNA

Embodying Diamond Light Body Rose

Wisdom of the Elders

Wisdom of the Elders

Dragons Breath Becoming the Breath of Creation

Dragons Breath