Beyond Soul ~ Journey Into the InfiniteThe Eden Template Meditations
Remembering Union

We are entering the time and energy when our hearts are being asked to remember, to raise our vibrational frequency, to release anything in us that is unlike Love. The energy of this is now being felt by many who are just beginning to remember who they are. Our hearts are being asked to become complete with duality and raise our hearts to our Higher Heart.

If you wish, you would say that we are merging with and becoming the Christed Heart, the Heart of Buddha, an Exalted Heart. This is all Divinely ordained. May all hearts know peace, the Peace That Passeth Understanding.

Viivika and Iwill co-create a field of unconditional love, connecting in Unity Consciousness, to share with all to assist all in Remembering Union, that they are and have always been in union with our Creator.

Sacred Union is a continuous, unbroken flow of Universal Unconditional Love between us, Source Creator, and all creation. Universal Sacred Love is the Sacred Union that connects us to all of creation. It is an unbroken connection that allows us to experience ourselves and others as Source experiences us, as unconditional love.

The more we begin to experience ourselves as Unconditional Love, the more we desire to just be Unconditional Love.

Unconditional love sets us free! It is a limitless, endless expansion. Every time we love unconditionally, our consciousness expands because we let go of expectations and limitations that limit us as love.

The more we love, the more we transcend our human limits. The more we love, the freer we become, because Holy love feels no limitation. Holy love does not set conditions on whom to love, for what to love, nor why to love.

It does not set limits on how we can love, whether we can receive love, or whether we deserve love. It transcends all limitations set by the human mind and ego to give us the freedom we can only experience by loving unconditionally, endlessly just as the Creator does.

When we set human frames for ourselves or our creations, about how something should look, whether others like it, how many people like it, whether we succeeded, in other words, waiting for the outside world to respond to how much we or our creations are loved, then we set ourselves automatic limits.

When we keep our focus on loving unconditionally, it automatically expands, because unconditional love creates infinite expansion. We should do everything only through love, that is, not out of a desire to be loved more, but out of a desire to share the love that we are. By choosing love, we align ourselves with the Holy Will of Source, supporting ourselves as Source.

We can always choose love, even in those moments when we feel everything is falling apart. All that is based on unconditional love endures and expands endlessly.

The energy exchange is $22.00

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