We are in the shift of the Great Realization, where we remember who we are, and as we begin to awaken we want to know who am I, what is happening to me, who am I becoming, how can I integrate these immense energies that are flooding through us, are there tools or others that can assist us in walking this path?

Self Realization is remembering that we are Creation itself. That we Live and Move and have our Being in the Divine, as the Divine. We live in a multi-dimensional quantum field of incredible Joy. When your original soul blueprint is fully remembered and integrated within you, creation lives in you as you, and your life will transform in ways unimaginable to your former self.

Mount Kenya and The Eden Template

What is The Eden Template

Your heart contains a single cell called The Eden Cell, and in most people, it is dormant. The Eden Template's foundational meditation "Embody Your Original Soul Blueprint", quickens this cell, beginning the process of its opening and flowering, As it flowers, it grows larger and larger until it expands your heart beyond imagioning.

David and Viivika have embodied this transmission in themselves, having received it in Africa and Findland simultaneously, and it contains all of the codes of creation, how creation comes into Being, and we are able to share it with all who wish to receive it.

This happens through a singlular transmission we both transmit.

The Garden of Eden is not a place, it is the state of consciousness of creation itself. It is your ORIGINAL SOUL BLUEPRINT, and once it is awakened, integrated, and embodied, it lives in your heart, as a moment-to-moment experience in the Eternal Now of creation.

This is not a one time only experience, as once your original soul template is activated, integrated and embodied in you, it will continue to grow and expand, and new revelations will present themselves to you on an ongoing basis as you come to live in the freedom of the Eternal Now Moment.

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Mount Kenya and The Eden Template

Classes, Meditations, and Sessions

In addition to offering the primary Eden Template Activation, we have created many classes, cources, retreats, monthly gateway meditaions and numerous guided meditations to assist you in your enbodied spiritual growth and Ascension, to help clear old ghost energy patterns and ground more Light into your auric field.

Many of these meditations are available as audio files to listen to at your convenience and are one of the myriad ways that we are in service to All.

For more information please contact us. »

David Maria and Viivika Sophia

Work With Viivika & David

The Eden Template is the fruition of lifetimes of dedicated inner work and now that it is fully activated and embodied within us, it is offered to anyone who wishes to receive their original Soul Template.

Viivika Sophia & David Maria are always delighted to travel to your city and speak with your group, organization or event. All are always welcome, no one will ever be excluded.

Please contact us if you wish to organize an event.

We are also available for both one-on-one & group sessions, and classes if you're guided to work with us. To book a session, please click on the link below for more information.


I AM the one who Sees



I AM the one who Feels



I AM the one who Heals



I AM the one who Dreams



I AM Presence




Mount Kenya and The Eden Template




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