One-on-One Private Sessions with Viivika Sophia & David Maria

Viivika & David

A one-on-one session with Viivika and David might include, yet is certainly not limited to, working with personal, genetic or racial, multi-lifetime miasms and distortions or trauma (whether from this or other lifetimes). It could be all of the aforementioned and it's always unique to you and what you are calling forth for us to work with each other, and connect with the deeper layers of your heart and higher levels of your consciousness, your High Self.

When Viivika & David work together, it more than doubles the energetic effect of the session .

Sessions can be Recorded for Replay!

Please know that receiving an Eden Template session, or a Light Language session with Viivika may bring up all of your belief systems, and challenge you to move through them into Beingness, and clear you of any hindrances on your spiritual journey. This may be challenging, so please check with yourself that you are ready, and willing to work with whatever arises.

The energy exchange is $222.00



An Hour of Love and Magic - Dr. Bill Spady

Recently I experienced a magical hour with Viivika and David in session together– a mosaic of intimate sharing about my soul’s mission, our connection with Source, my spiritual growth, and the waves of Love that propel our consciousness and lives.  This experience was truly unique and transformative – a coming into resonance and unity with two other remarkable beings that elevated my inner Self far beyond anything that I had anticipated.

During three different meditative experiences, I felt my heart open and a huge wave of energy move through me that ground me to Mother Earth as I never have in my three decades of focused spiritual work – all of this nurtured with Viivika’s gentle but highly impactful transmissions of light language and Love. Beyond that, I clearly feel that an enormous weight of uncertainty and doubt about my life’s purpose has been removed and been replaced with an overwhelming sense of joy, Self-acceptance, and peace.

So, do I feel blessed and honored to have received such a gift? Absolutely! And, I look forward to immersing my Self in their caring loving Presence and ever-evolving sessions in the future? Definitely, as faithfully as I have for the past several years, all to my benefit and the elevation of my relationships and continued growth. And finally, would I encourage others to take advantage of their remarkable presence and work? Absolutely, without question! It will be a blessing, no matter how it comes through to you.

Speak to Your Organization, Group or Event

We are always delighted to speak with your group, company or organization. Sharing with others is one of the great joys of our life. Please contact us to discuss the details. If you're interested in organizing or hosting an event with us, we would love to hear from you.