Donate ~ Become a Patron of The Eden Template

Becoming a patron isn't just making a donation, it's actively participating in the expansion of the teachings, enabling more people to receive them.

Become a Patron of The Eden TemplateAs a contributing patron, making a monthly recurring donation, you'll also receive:

  • Option 1: $11.00/month - You will energetically be included in every class, event, group session, video, and transmission that we hold, online or in-person
  • Option II: $22.00/month - Access to all Eden Template activations that month (excluding new classes and events)
  • Option III: $33.00/month - All of the above and a monthly Zoom gathering / discussion with other patrons, including an energy tune-up
  • Option IV: If you wish to assist with larger initiatives for the Eden Template, please contact us.

With every donation you make, you join with and support reaching more of humanity as we begin to remember who we are in ever larger waves.

Thank you, we are so very grateful for your support.


Viivika & David